Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another Class discussion!!

A few days ago, the class discussed about the characteristics of Jonas and other characters. We found many evidence from Chapter 1 to 5. I think this worksheet helped me to understand more about Jonas and the other characters :)

I want to discuss about Jonas's characters - some characteristics of him that I liked.
Jonas is a reflective person. The textual evidence given was: Jonas thought about the time the airplane flew over the community, how Asher mixed up "distract" and "distraught", and how he has accidentally used the word "released" before thinking whether it was appropriate. I really liked this point about him. Being reflective is good, because you will be able to leanr from your mistakes and not repeat them. Not everyone will reflect on the mistakes they make, especially when it is just a wrong usage of words.

Jonas is also obeservant. This can be seen from the fact that he noticed Gabriel's "pale eyes" and that "the apple had changed". He is aware of his surroundings. I totally agree with this characteristics of him. If it was another person of his society, I do not think that he will notice the change in the apple's colour as it was just for an instant.

Jonas is inquisitive as well. He brought the apple back to his dwelling to see what was so special about it. He went to have volunteer hours at different places, in order to experience different things. This 'second evidence' was quite new to me. I had never thought that he went to do volunteer work at different places to experience different things. In my opinions, being inquisitive allows a person to learn more and have new experiences :)

There is one point that I want to make about Jonas's mother. She is prejudiced against Birthmothers. When Lily said that she wanted to be a Birthmither when she was Twelve, Mother said that "There's little honour in that Assignment." I do not really like this charcteristics of Jonas's mother. Without Birthmothers, there will not be any more babies to be born and given to the family units. Even though the Assignment is not good, but Jonas's mother should not say that there is very little honour in that Assignment.

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