Tuesday, June 15, 2010

First Impression...

When I first searched online for a summary of The Giver, I gained interest in reading the book. The summary told about how Jonas’s life was and the power of his to ‘see beyond’. This was what encouraged me to start reading the book.
The Giver is a well-written book. Even though it is a simple book, but it really catches my attention. When I read the first few chapters, I knew I would like the book. In my opinion, the plot is an interesting one. It did not come to me that there could be a world in which there are no colours and feelings.
At the start, I pictured myself living in such a world, and I found it quite peaceful, although there were many rules implemented. As I venture on, I realised that it was not as good as I thought it was. The memories of the past, which Jonas had, showed that the world ‘Elsewhere’ had love and feelings, which I think should not be taken away from any person. Also, I find that the ‘release’ of people is really cruel, especially the babies who did nothing wrong.
As the story advances on, Jonas grown to become more and more aware that he could not continue to stay in his ‘controlled’ world. He starts to realise that it is meaningless to live in such a world, with no love and feelings. He realises that even though there is pain and fear in ‘Elsewhere’, it is better to live with love and feelings. This is also Jonas’s reason for leaving. I really agree with this act of Jonas. I think it is indeed a brave one and one which can actually spread the existence of love and feelings to everyone else in the ‘controlled’ world. I think that this is an act of saving the people. This is because the people would experience love and some happy memories, even though they would feel pain and fear. I think it is worth it to feel the love, no matter how much pain we have to suffer.
Overall, I find The Giver a perfect book for reading. I would also encourage others to read this wonderful book. :)